Change the login message

To know which server is own login, we should show welcome message before login. This article illustrates how to set display messages before/after login on the banner.

Before Login
To show welcome message before login, you should edit ssh configure file, /etc/ssh/sshd_cofig. Add banner message which is follows. We add a banner text file to /etc/profile.d, and specify this file path in the ssh configure file. The path, /etc/profile.d, stores all files that are executed when the user login.
[root@centos-6 ~]# vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# no default banner path
Banner /etc/profile.d/banner.txt

The file, banner.txt, can be whatever file you want and store in anywhere. However, we store it in the /etc/profile.d. Then edit the file and put in whatever welcome message you want.
,--.   ,--.       ,--.                              
|  |   |  | ,---. |  | ,---. ,---. ,--,--,--. ,---. 
|  |.'.|  || .-. :|  || .--'| .-. ||        || .-. :
|   ,'.   |\   --.|  |\ `--.' '-' '|  |  |  |\   --.
'--'   '--' `----'`--' `---' `---' `--`--`--' `----'

After all settings, you need to restart sshd before your changes take effect.
[root@centos-6 ~]# service sshd restart
Stopping sshd:                                             [  OK  ]
Starting sshd:                                             [  OK  ]

When you connect to the server, the welcome message will show in the terminal.
newmac:~ user$ ssh nick1811@
,--.   ,--.       ,--.                            
|  |   |  | ,---. |  | ,---. ,---. ,--,--,--. ,---.
|  |.'.|  || .-. :|  || .--'| .-. ||        || .-. :
|   ,'.   |\   --.|  |\ `--.' '-' '|  |  |  |\   --.
'--'   '--' `----'`--' `---' `---' `--`--`--' `----'
nick1811@'s password:

After Login
In this part, I will show you how to set display message after login. To change the display message, you should edit /etc/motd. But in this article, we do not revise /etc/motd. We add a file,, into the path, /etc/profile.d. All of files in this path will be automatically executed by /etc/profile when the user login.
[root@centos-6 ~]# vim /etc/profile.d/
echo -e "
 # Welcome to Cent OS #

So you can see the result after this setting.
Last login: Tue May 17 11:27:49 2016 from

 # Welcome to Cent OS #

[nick1811@centos-6 ~]$

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